"Innovation Day" with representatives of Russian Railways.

UETM hosted a joint round table with Russian Railways "Innovation Day". The participants discussed issues of import substitution in electrical equipment. The guests of our company were the heads and engineers of the Sverdlovsk Directorate for Energy Supply, the Sverdlovsk Railway, teachers of the Department of "Power Supply of transport" of the USUPS.

The reports presented the company's developments in the field of high-voltage equipment and transformer equipment, successfully implemented in recent years. These are both production solutions developed for specific customer requests, and innovative proposals.

At the end of the round table, a tour of the main production sites of transformer equipment and high-voltage equipment workshops was organized for the guests. During the tour, Russian Railways specialists saw firsthand the new ITM developments and got acquainted with the import substitution opportunities that the company currently offers.

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Акционерное Общество "Уралэлектротяжмаш"

Frontovyh brigad, 22
+7 (343) 324-53-00