The company annually conducts training of the personnel operating its equipment at the facilities of PJSC FGC UES and PJSC Rosseti. Training is conducted in a consultation format.

The program provides both theoretical classes in the classroom, and visits to the high-voltage equipment producing workshop. Within 4 days, the leading engineers of the company talk about the new technology mastered by the enterprise in recent years and about the serial production of the enterprise, familiar with the design of high-voltage equipment, features of operation and maintenance.

Classes in small groups (10-12 people each) allow you to establish a businesslike and relaxed atmosphere in which not a single issue is left without proper attention.

The possibility of discussing the material delivered in the working environment makes learning an interesting and truly memorable event for each student.

Simplicity and clarity with rich content and vivid examples guarantee a high degree of program utility. Lectures are supported by bulk material.

Courses given a clear practical orientation. This is evidenced by feedback from participants. Listeners, being specialists operating the equipment of our enterprise, as well as similar equipment from other manufacturers have the opportunity to leave feedback on the quality and reliability of our equipment and give suggestions for its improvement.

At the end of the course, students are given the appropriate certificates of completion.

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Акционерное Общество "Уралэлектротяжмаш"

Frontovyh brigad, 22
+7 (343) 324-53-00